Our Governors
At Cherry Grove we are extremely lucky to have a hard working and dedicated group of governors. They provide a wealth of knowledge and ideas which they use to guide and improve the school.
Meet our Governors
John MorrowChair of Governors [Co-Opted Governor]
John Morrow
- Chair of Pay Panel
Appointed as Parent Governor (elected by parents): October 2021.
Appointed as Co-Opted Governor by the GB: June 2022. Term Ends: June 2026
Appointed Chair or Governors: July 2022
Re-elected as Chair of Governors: 4th Oct 2023 & 19th Sept 2024
Register of Interests:
- Current Employment - University of Chester
I have 3 children at Cherry Grove.
I am a Senior lecturer at the University of Chester within the Law Department. My main area of specialism is Education Law. I have a particular interest in Special Educational Needs and Disability, having completed a PhD entitled 'Law students with Dyslexia and their experience of academic assessment', it reviews the implications of equality law for students with Dyslexia alongside an exploration of their experience within legal education. Through my teaching and research practice I have looked to develop my understanding of Special Educational needs across a range of educational settings.
Martin BrannanVice-Chair of Governors [Parent Governor]
Martin Brannan
- SDP 'Pupil Enrichment' link governor
- Pay Panel Member
Appointed Parent Governor (elected by parents): June 2024 Term Ends: June 2028
Register of Interests:
- Chair of Governors, J H Godwin Primary School
Over recent years I have watched all three of my children flourish at Cherry Grove, one of whom is in KS1 and two who have transitioned over to secondary school.
Within my background of law, I have already had many opportunities to be actively involved within school, speaking to the children about my role and helping them stay safe online and within the community.
In addition to this I have been fortunate enough to be actively involved in another local governing body, where I have had the opportunity to gain experience in supporting the schools strategic vision in ensuring the best outcomes for all stake holders. -
Rob PullenCo-Opted Governor
Rob Pullen
- Pupil Premium link governor
- Chair of Headteacher Performance Management Panel
Appointed as Co-Opted Governor by the GB: February 2021 Term Ends: February 2025
Appointed as Vice Chair of Governors: July 2022.
Re-elected Vice Chair of Governors: 4th Oct 2023 & 19th Sept 2024
Register of Interests:
- Co-Chair of Governors - Dee Banks Special School
- Owner - RPEducation Consultancy & Training
I began my teaching career in Dorset and have worked in a number of different authorities across England and Wales. Having been a governor since 1995 as either a staff member, parent or as headteacher, I have worked through periods of great change in education. As a former headteacher of two primary schools, both with Resourced Provisions, I have consistently sought to ensure the young people in my care have the very best opportunities to experience life, grow in confidence and become the best they can be.
Away from work I love to travel and enjoy physical activity. As an active member of my local triathlon club I try to swim, cycle and run as regularly as possible.
No longer a serving headteacher within a school, I am excited to be joining the governing board at Cherry Grove where I believe my experiences can be used to assist the school in working towards its aims and vision.
Tommy SpencerActing Headteacher
Tommy Spencer
Appointed as Acting Headteacher, Cherry Grove: 1st January 2025
Register of Interests: Governor at Holt Community Primary School
Dr David MorrisCo-opted Governor
Dr David Morris
- Health & Safety link governor
Appointed Co-Opted Governor by the GB: May 2021. Term Ends: May 2025
Register of Interests: None
I started out as a marine biologist doing my degree and PhD at the University of Liverpool Marine Station on the Isle of Man. This was followed by 10 years at the British Antarctic Survey, then periods as a Project/Business/Environmental Manager working with the UK Water Industry and then the Oil & Gas industry in the Middle East, Russia & Azerbaijan.
I returned to the UK and spent some 15 years working for a UK Government marine laboratory in East Anglia where my two children went to school. Along with a bit of mini rugby coaching I was a Parent Governor and then Chair of Governors at the local Middle School.
Following some 10 years working on all sorts of marine issues I spent 5 years or so specialising in data issues before retiring in 2018. I am a registered STEM Ambassador and I spend my time taking photographs and writing.
Liam McCaugheyCo-Opted Governor
Liam McCaughey
- Safeguarding link governor
- LAC/pLAC link governor
- Pay Panel member
Appointed Parent Governor (elected by parents): February 2022
Appointed Co-Opted Governor by the GB: March 2023. Term Ends: March 2027
Register of Interests:
- Current Employment - Independent Social Worker
- Membership - BASW, Social Work England & Surfers Against Sewage
I have two children who have been educated at Cherry Grove, my youngest is still in the school, with my eldest having been supported by the staff in his transition to High School. I have been supporting the PTA including the Christmas time festivities. The highlights of my involvement with Cherry Grove includes going on some of the school trips, wandering round muddy pumpkin fields and art galleries.
I have a background in social work and residential childcare, including early intervention and family support. Child protection and fostering. I was lucky to gain some experience working in children's centres spending time with health visitors and family support workers. I have been supporting foster carers for several years now. I am currently a self employed independent social worker continuing to support fostering agencies and residential settings.
When I am not working, I enjoy kayaking and wandering around Chester Zoo or hills looking for a good photograph with my camera, often much to the annoyance of my children who are complaining I have stopped again!
Eleanor WilsonStaff Governor
Eleanor Wilson
Appointed as Staff Governor (elected by staff): July 2022 Terms Ends: July 2026
Sarah SmithLocal Authority Governor
Sarah Smith
- Attendance link governor
- Pay Panel member
Appointed Local Authority Governor (Nominated by LA and appointed by GB): March 2023 Term Ends: March 2027
Register of Interests:
- Occupation: SBM, Saighton C of E Primary
I have a long association with Cherry Grove as my son and daughter, both now at University, attended the school. I served on the PTA, was a parent governor, had a short spell as clerk to the governing body and was appointed Clerical Officer at the school in 2013.
I am the full-time School Business Manager at Saighton Church of England Primary School in Chester, where I have worked since I left Cherry Grove in 2018 and I hope that my experience in school finance, HR, health & safety and Safeguarding will benefit the school and help the committed governors and staff continue to provide the best learning experience and outcomes for pupils.Being a governor at Cherry Grove is my second volunteering role as I dedicated 6 years to being a Visitor Enhancement Volunteer at Chester Zoo and handed back my uniform just over a year ago. Now at weekends and during school holidays I enjoy walking my Cocker Spaniel, swimming, going to the cinema and spending time with family. -
Dorothy TurnbullParent Governor
Dorothy Turnbull
- SDP 'Coaching Pedagogies' link governor
Appointed Parent Governor (elected by parents): April 2023 Term Ends: April 2027
Register of Interests: Teacher at Bishops' Blue Coat Church of England High School
I have always been impressed by Cherry Grove, and am delighted with the warm and nurturing environment it has provided for my two children, my son in year 3 and my daughter in nursery, due to start Reception in September.
When I took on a volunteering role, I was able to see the day-to-day life of the school. This experience confirmed my own beliefs that the school was a place that encouraged creativity, curiosity and compassion, and this led me to stand for election as a parent governor, contributing to maintaining the excellent work that is already happening within the school.I work as a teacher at a Chester secondary school and have lots of experience within an educational setting, particularly around good teaching practice, curriculum structure and planning, and educational policy. I have also completed an MSc in Child Psychological Development which has enabled me to understand the developmental journey of children throughout their schooling, and what great education looks like when it is focussed on the whole child, cultivating individual interests and prioritising the mental wellbeing of pupils. I hope to bring this expertise to the role and know that this is very much in line with the current vision and ethos of the school.
Oliver GoverCo-Opted Governor
Oliver Gover
- SEND Link Governor
- Pay Panel Member
Appointed Co-Opted Governor by the GB: May 2024 Term Ends: May 2028
I currently work for Accelya, a global software provider to the airline industry; as a Product Marketing Specialist, I develop and execute strategies to effectively communicate the product's value, drive customer acquisition and retention, and support overall business growth. I have also recently taken on the role of leading the external communications for Accelya, which involves writing press releases and increasing the visibility of Accelya through media opportunities.
Prior to moving to Chester, I was a co-opted governor at a primary school in Trafford, where I was Chair of the Staffing Committee and link governor for SEND. I also sat on the Curriculum, Head Teacher Performance Management, and Headteacher Pay Review committees.I look forward to working closely with the Cherry Grove Primary School community. -
Siby JoseCo-Opted Governor
Siby Jose
- Maths Link Governor
- Online Safety & Cybersecurity
Appointed Co-Opted Governor by the GB: Aug 2024 Term Ends: Aug 2028
I work at NHS England as technical analyst taking care of migrating our national disease registers to cloud computing/environment.Prior to this, I have worked with major banks taking care of their critical IT applications that supported their customers across Nordics and Asia Pacific.I have a 4 year old daughter and I'm fascinated at her learning progress and the invaluable contributions made by her school and her teachers towards that.And that has led me to take up this role where I believe I can contribute back to the wonderful institution of school and give it my best to make it better for everyone involved.I look forward to working closely with Cherry Grove primary school and all its stakeholders.
Governors who have served in the last 12 months:
- Sophie Lawrence, Co-Opted Governor [April 2023 to July 2024]
- Beth Hacking, Headteacher [Sept 2021 to Dec 2024]
- Tommy Spencer, Deputy Headteacher/Associate Member [Mar 2024 to Dec 2024]
School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. It is an immensely rewarding role that allows you to be involved in raising standards within school. Please contact our clerk at sclarke@cherrygrove.cheshire.sch.uk for information about any vacancies.
The role of the Governing Body:
The core functions of the governing body are
- that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
- that the headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school
- the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources
We do this by getting to know the school and the wider educational context, reading meeting paperwork and attending meetings where we ask questions to ensure that the best possible decisions are made for the benefit of the children in the school, attending training and development events to improve our skills and knowledge and adhering to the Governors’ Charter.
The minimum commitment expected of a governor is that they attend scheduled Full Governing Body meetings. These are usually held on a Wednesday or Thursday evening, mainly face to face with some virtual. Most governors also take on additional responsibilities, e.g., Safeguarding link governor, Health & Safety link governor or Curriculum link governor.
In addition to being over 18 years of age, governors need a strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children, the inquisitiveness to question and analyse, and the willingness to learn. They need good inter-personal skills, appropriate levels of literacy in English, and sufficient numeracy skills to understand basic data. There are certain circumstances in which a person is disqualified from holding or continuing to hold office as a governor and they are listed in the document at the bottom of this page.
If a governor incurs reasonable expenses such as travel costs as a result of performing their duties as a governor, they can be reimbursed in line with the Governors Allowance policy available on the policy page of the website.
More information about our Governing body:
The Headteacher is automatically entitled to be a governor
Parent Governors are appointed by the parents at the school
Staff Governors are appointed by the staff at the school
Local Authority Governors are nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Governing Body
Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body
You can find out more about the role of a governor on the National Governance Association website.
If you would like more information, please contact the Clerk to Governors at sclarke@cherrygrove.cheshire.sch.uk. The Chair of Governors can also be contacted via this email address.
Governing Body Meetings
Governing Body meetings will be held either virtually or at school at 6.30pm on the following dates. Members of the school community wishing to attend should contact the Clerk to Governors.
Full Governing Body Meetings 2024-2025:
19 Sep, 14 Nov, 11 Dec, 6 Feb, 13 Mar, 15 May, 3 July
Governor Attendance
Governor attendance at a glance for 2024/25:
Financial information
Please visit here to view the school financial benchmarking information.