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School Clubs

We offer a wide range of clubs each term for the children to attend. We encourage our children to get involved with at least one activity per term. Our clubs cover sporting activities, the arts, music, baking and other activities such as block play, chess club and board games.

Registration for clubs takes place at the beginning of each term via Parentmail. Please contact the school office for any further details. 

Autumn term clubs timetable: 
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Relaxation and Mindfulness club (KS2)

Play leaders breakfast club (Y6) 


Netball club (KS2)


Football club (KS2)


Chess Club (KS1)


House of Dance (Y1-6)

Chess Club (KS2)

Outdoor learning club (KS2)


Multi-sport breakfast club (Reception and KS1)



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