Key Stage 2 Readiness (Transition to Year 3)
We want the children at our school to experience a smooth educational and emotional transition from one phase to the next. We want to ensure that our children are excited, inspired and look forward to the challenge that Year 3 has to offer. We are committed to getting this transition right for our children.
Familiarity and Parallels
- Our way of working in year 3 & 4 complements the work already taking place in year 1 & 2. Children are familiar with the schemes used to teach (Maths No Problem!, The Literacy Company, NCETM Mastering Number etc) which supports the gradual increase to more formal and independent learning.
Attitudes and Dispositions
- To prepare children with a positive outlook for year 3 we talk about how the children learn and encourage resilience, determination and commitment to learning atall
Communication and Involvement
- Communication between year 1 & 2 and year 3 & 4 staff occurs all year round through regular progress meetings. Handover meetings in the Summer term allow teachers to discuss KS1 data, the children’s' individual needs and targets. Engaging parents in the process is also a key priority so that they know what to expect and can support their children by talking to them about the expectations in Key Stage 2. Parents are invited into school to visit a year 3 & 4 classroom to share work examples and meet the staff. Effective and purposeful communication underpins our transition plan.
Excitement and Experiences
- We have built a timetable that builds up with excitement and makes the children want to progress to year 3. Along with our whole school class swap where children meet their new teacher and class, we also offer enhanced transitions for pupils with pastoral needs and/or SEND. This enhanced transition is different for every child to ensure that any needs are met and is communicated to parents. Our current year 2 pupils along with our year 3 pupils also attend a trip together that focuses on collaboration and team building in preparation for the new year.