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Online Safety

At Cherry Grove Primary School we love using technology to teach, learn and have fun.


As part of this, we take online safety very seriously and it is part of our joint safeguarding duty with our families.

Our Online Safety Team in school are: Mr Landen (Computing Lead) and Mrs Hughes (Pastoral Team and DSL). Our Online Safety Governor is Mr D Morris.


Here are some of the strategies we use to help keep children safe online:

  • Teaching the children about online safety through the PSHE and Computing curricula.
  • Annual staff training on the latest developments in managing online safety.
  • Filtering and monitoring systems to keep children safe whilst using technology in school.
  • Our Anti-Bullying ambassadors raise awareness of cyberbullying and what children should do if they are worried.
  • Assemblies on online safety, including working with our local police force to help deliver these.
  • Families are offered a short, accredited online course (tailored to the age of their child) to help them support safer Internet and device use in the home, through a partnership the school has with The National College and National Online Safety.
  • Online training is also offered to families via an after-school workshop delivered by the NSPCC.
  • Parent Guides are provided with safety tips relating to areas of common concern e.g. gaming, use of specific apps or popular video streaming sites.
  • Where concerns have been raised to us about activities online that are out of school, we offer bespoke advice and support to families and conduct ad-hoc online safety learning in classrooms.

Please see here how we teach Online Safety content across each year group:

Online Safety Information for Children and Parents:

There is a wealth of up-to-date information at the UK Safer Internet website below:

Click to link to the Safer Internet homepage

Family Guides to support Safer Internet use: